Thursday, October 23, 2014


The Perfect Ending To A Not So Perfect Day... AWESOME!

     It's Thursday night, just one more day until the weekend. You're working a double shift after school for the lowest remuneration legally possible, covering for your troll like co-worker you despise the most. SUBWAY, the cheapest corporation known to man, is a nightmare employer.The only reason you did is because you told yourself, "That's one less shift I have to work to get my new car." The rudest customers flood in by the the billions, each one worst then the last. Being rude back can have deleterious affects so your cheeks hurt from all the fake smiles you've dished out along side their sandwiches. The words, "Have a great night! Come again!", mean absolutely nothing by the end of the night. You are secretly wishing they will never come during your shift again, but they always do. The hebdomary ones can be the worst, they get tired of being nice to you, they expect you to look in your crystal ball and instantly know their order, like they are the one only ones that come in for a sandwich at SUBWAY. And then there's the customers who come in and tell me,"I just love SUBWAY, but only for there cookies." It's always surprising to hear their favorite item on the menu of a sandwich shop are the cookies. Mouth drooling, hungry customers can smell the freshly-frozen cookie dough baking in the oven. The line starts to back up, everyone is smacked up against each other in the match box sized store. The creation of the perfect sub is no easy task, you have to add the meat and the cheese and the vegetables and the sauces. But the real challenge is commenced when a soccer mom orders a footlong, orders a six inch, orders a kids pack, orders a dozen cookies, it is then you realize, you will need to facilitate an addition pair of hands. Finally it winds down to closing time, you wish you could bifurcate yourself in half to clean up after all the slobs that rolled in only a few minutes before closing. After consummating your long list of to-do's, you subsequently close up shop. You hop in your mom's antediluvian beat up station wagon, the engine makes its infamous CLONK sounds as you start the engine. You are not cognizant of what the future holds, in the back of your mind you hope it decides to start this time. The whole way home you mull-over the homework that's due tomorrow, the word problems for Physics, the textbook questions for Algebra II, the annotated article for English, the TRF for AVID.Then you realize the last few traffic lights were green, then the next one and the next one. The perfect ending to a not so perfect day, a non-stop trip back home. AWESOME!


  1. Wow. Just wow. You've used the devices AND the vocab so purposefully. Truly imaginative and nice writing. Among others, I love this line: "You hop in your mom's antediluvian beat up station wagon, the engine makes its infamous CLONK sounds as you start the engine." I've been in that car!! ha
    Keep writing! It's good. 9

  2. I wonder if you could've added a different title to this post. It could help clarify the topic. Your writing is really great, by the way!

  3. AWESOME. I love your writing style. Life is so funny, it's amazing how the little things in life can turn your day around.
