Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Blog Post #3

History Repeats Itself

The Baltimore Riots of 1968 was made up of black Baltimoreans rioting from April 6 to April 14. The riot included people crowding the streets, burning and looting local businesses, and confronting the police and national guard fearlessly. This was the result of the April 4 assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Memphis, Tennessee, which triggered riots in 125 cities across the United States. These events are sometimes remembered as the Holy Week Uprising. Less than 50 years later, history repeats itself . After 25 year old, Freddie Grey, was unexplainably killed in police custody, roits broke out all over Baltimore. A once peaceful protest quickly turned into a blood bath. Looters trashed convince stores and other local businesses in their town. While most of their intentions were pure, these Baltimoreans went about it the wrong way. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had the right idea when he said, "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Thousands of people destroyed their city in a matter of hours. It's not the police who suffer, its the community and the people living in it. Nine times out of ten, police officers can't even serve in the town they live in. So, when these protesters turn looters set a blaze there city's main infrastructures, they are only hurting themselves. They may have stolen a few days worth of groceries, but they will only last for long. When those same people want to buy groceries for their families as they always do, there will be no grocery store to go to. Just the crisp, crumbling walls that survived the fire. Some even went as far as cutting the fire department's water hoses to prevent them from trying to save their city. Now, tell me how does this help the real issue?


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