Marriage Equality: What is a "real" marriage?
"Ding, Dong!" The church bells ring as the two families enter the grand doors, coming together as one family to celebrate the beginning of a new life for the happy couple. Wait, the happy couple? Couple of what? People of course but does it matter if there is one groom or two. Apparently, to some it is the defining factor of a "real marriage". Who and what defines a "real marriage"? Is it the gender of the people in the relationship or the love that they share? These are all questions that have remained without one clear-cut answer. I believe this is because there really isn't just ONE answer to these questions. When I think of a happy newly wed couple I think of the life they will soon share together and the memories waiting to be made, not whether there is just one Mrs. or one Mr. America needs to wake up and smell the rainbow colored roses, times have changed and the laws need to change with them. Long ago, the consequence for stealing was to remove the offender's hands but as people evolved, the laws eventually evolved into the laws we know today. The same principle needs to be applied to marriage equality laws. Nancy Kalish, Ph.D., the author of "Lost Loves: Why Marriage Equality Is Important" from Psychology Today, affirms these beliefs. Kalish explains why equality is imperative to same-sex couples.
This is a good topic to include a counter-argument. I wonder what the opposition is. How could you improve your argument if you include what the people who disagree with you say? Also, remember to create paragraph breaks. Good first post. G