Are Roller Coasters As Safe As We Like To Think?
Just now having my first experience on the new and improved 'Texas Giant' over the weekend, all three minutes and twenty-five seconds, I was thinking is this the part where Mrs. Esparza flew out of her seat and fell to her death. Not the typical roller coaster experience but an experience none the less. For me, the few moments of thrill was not worth a lifetime of moments and memories.
Some thrill seekers might disagree with my logical. Because they thrive on the rush of adrenaline they get while on one of these death traps, thrill seekers hold this rush to a higher regard than I. Since March of 1999, twenty-two people have been killed or suffered injuries at Six Flags Over Texas as a direct result of a taking part in a ride. Twenty-two doesn't sound like a lot compared to the hundreds of people who visit Six flags daily but that's twenty-two people who could have reminded alive or unharmed if they had not taking a ride on one of the Six Flags' thrilling rides.
Three minutes of thrill is definitely not worth ones life. But their are some that will argue until they are blue in the face that roller coaster are perfectly safe and an ride worth taking. Like me, will people see roller coasters differently now? Only time will tell.